Ok. So you’re looking to make a change but you’re not sure how. Maybe you know what the change is but can’t figure out the steps. Or maybe you know a change needs to happen, but you need some help figuring out exactly what that looks like. Or you’re trying your hardest but the change won’t ‘stick’.
If you’ve reached out to me, I’m assuming there’s a part of you that’s open to the idea of making a positive change in your life. But coaching is an investment of time, energy and money and before you commit, it’s important for both of us to feel that you’re set to go. So how do you know when you’re ready to jump in?
First, figure out where you sit on the ‘readiness’ scale.
James Prochaska and Carlo Di Clemente developed the Stages of Change. They identified that there are 5 distinct stages to the process of change, summarised here for you.
PRE - CONTEMPLATION - So not ready to change
CONTEMPLATION - Thinking of changing but still not quite sure.
PREPARATION - Bring it on. I am ready to make a change.
ACTION - Boom! It’s happening. The change is real.
MAINTENANCE – Keeping the change ‘alive’ and consistent.
Do you know where you sit on this scale? Coaching is probably most effective if you’re at the PREPARATION stage. If you’re still uncertain, that’s a sign you might not be ready.
But there are other things to consider before jumping in. You need to answer these questions truthfully.
Are you prepared for some discomfort?
Are you prepared to be vulnerable?
Are you prepared to listen to yourself?
Are you open to trying new ideas?
Are you prepared to consciously take action?
Are you prepared to follow through with the ‘homework’? (yes, there is homework!)
As a coach I want to empower and inspire but sometimes in order to help push someone from ‘thinking’ to ‘doing’, there is occasional discomfort. Of course, a coach doesn’t deliberately set out to make you feel uncomfortable! But a good coach will share observations and reflect back things you might not be seeing and that can occasionally create some squirming.
Are you ready?
Let's chat.
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